Enter a realm where ALL PARTS OF YOU are welcome

Let's journey together!

When was the last time someone held space for you?

It’s more than just active listening.


The Priestess is here…

PRESENT with you—no matter the feelings, emotions, or stories that come up. You are held in unconditional positive regard and believed in every step of the way.

You may “break” into pieces in front of her.

Tell her things you wouldn’t tell anyone else. Feel and express sadness, fear, anger, even joy or a mix of emotions in the process.

In doing so, you will feel vulnerable. In the past you brought them to the wrong door, and bared your soul to someone who couldn’t hold space for them.


INSTEAD, this time you FEEL the Presence of The Priestess and her energy in the space—filled with Love and Integrity, Exploration and Creation, Healing, Transformation, and more. 

She holds space for you as the sovereign being you are with infinite potential and possibilities.

Are you ready?

Well then,

book here & let’s journey together!

Let's journey together!

You’ve summoned The Priestess. I hold a safe, energetic container where you can journey through your experiences holistically.

I am PRESENT with you

You are NOT a “burden” but are of interest to me, and your feelings are important.

And yet, while I offer a listening ear, spaceholding is more than active listening. 

I am here to help you navigate your feelings and emotions. This includes the ones you’ve been told aren’t acceptable. 

FEEL them.

In doing so, you will feel vulnerable. 

In the past you brought them to the wrong door, and bared your soul to someone who wasn’t open to their own vulnerability.

Your feelings happen in the present, and your emotions are a doorway to healing

I will be your witness.

Will you walk through?

No matter what feelings and emotions, thoughts or stories that come up, I will hold space for you.

What will it be like for you to experience true Empowerment through feeling

Will you let me know in a week? A few months? A year? 

I do not have power over you and am not here to rescue you. I cannot dictate your outcomes. Your energetic center is yours, as are your discoveries.

What I will say is that there exists a possibility that the survival strategies working against you are transformed into your greatest gifts.

This is alchemy

It starts with Feeling your feelings and being SEEN by a spaceholder who can co-regulate with you.

I invite you to the space as the sovereign being you are with infinite potential and possibilities. 

In it you will FEEL the Presence of The Priestess, my energy—filled with Love and Integrity, Exploration and Creation, Healing, Transformation, and more. 

Are you ready?

Well then, book here & let’s journey together!

Your Evolution is Now!

Your guide to all things holistic self care!


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From the center of Gaia, in honor of the sacred temple of body-mind-soul.

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From the ground up, we honor our sacred temple.