Client Questionnaire

Hello dear! Before filling this out, I’d like you to read and FEEL these words  ➤ My Evolution is Now. 

In this moment, every part of your body, mind, and soul is in the state of evolution. You are now choosing to be aware of this moment that you get to embody!

You are aware: You are Consciousness.

And your presence while in the expansion of it is how all healing and personal development, transformation and creation happens.

The time is now. It’s always now. 

We’re crossing paths for a reason. How can I serve you as a priestess of Gaia?

This is a space of co-creation.

There is no hierarchy and I’m committed to taking Radical Responsibility.

There are no “right” or “wrong” answers to the questions below. Share what needs to be shared such as your history/background, personality, and anything important for me to know in order to understand and work with you. 

This is a space of Love, Integrity, and Authenticity.

Vulnerabilitythe touchstone of Growth—is welcome. Your feelings are welcome. ALL parts of you are welcome.

It’s a space of Exploration, Transformation, and Creation

Namaste! 🪷

For bespoke in-person healing: Please inform me of any health issues so that we can plan accordingly. 

For general inquiries, email me at