
You’ve summoned The Priestess. I hold a safe, energetic container where you can journey through your feelings and emotions holistically mind, body, soul.

I am PRESENT with you. You are NOT a “burden” but are of interest to me, and your feelings are important.

And yet, while I offer a listening ear, spaceholding is more than active listening… 


Relationship Coaching

Using the Integrated Attachment Theory method, I will create a personalized coaching plan to assist you to:

  • Reprogram Your Core Wounds & Belief Patterns
  • Discover Your Unique Personality Needs & Create Healthy Ways of Meeting Them
  • Learn How to Communicate Your Boundaries & Needs
  • Integrate Your Shadow
  • Reprogram Your Attachment Style 
  • And much more! 

IAT works for individuals, couples, and groups who desire to improve their relationships to self and others.  

Conscious Sex & Intimacy Guidance

Discover YOUR Sexual True North & Honor It!

Your Sexual True North is unique to you. 

Sexuality is bio-individual. But, we always know when we’re out of alignment. A conscious sex life can nourish us, while an unconscious one can deplete us. And sometimes we need the right person to help us uncloud our navigation system. 

Your journey as a sexual alchemist is now! Will you honor the unique path of your sacred sexuality? 🐍


Assertiveness & Boundary Training Through Role Play

Do you struggle with sticking to your boundaries? Freeze up when you need to assert yourself? Avoid confrontation (and fail to get your needs honored)? Explode on others when you’ve bottled things up too long? Or maybe you suffer with other symptoms.

Not being able to communicate your boundaries and needs erodes your wellbeing. This offering is the closest you’ll get to being prepared for the real-deal experience when it arrives again. And it ALWAYS does—till you re-pattern it!

 I will prepare you for THAT moment. As a master at role-play I will play the person you need to communicate with.

Life is crippling when you don’t communicate your needs. Imagine one where doing so is second nature! Imagine living free from people pleasing, second guessing, walking on eggshells, etc. What would it be like? You’ll never know till you embody your authentic self.

Bespoke Healing

  • Walk & Talks 
  • Holistic Health Coaching 
  • Holistic Self Care Guidance  
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Nature Retreats & Guided Day Treks
  • Inner Child Journeys

Creativity Coaching

You were born to create! The act of doing so connects you with your higher self and your divinity. Creativity is nourishment for the soul. Creative works heal us and  transcend confines of social programming. They welcome all emotions and all experiences in existence, free of bias.  


But sometimes we get caught in the bondage of the programming, and suffer. 


If you’re a creative person who’s blocked, or neglecting your craft, you’re suffering from a lack of nourishment. And you won’t find that nourishment elsewhere. Creativity cannot be replaced by other personality needs. 


Few things are worse than being blocked as artist! It can cause spiritual depression over time.


Inspired by The Artist’s Way & my own experiential wisdom,

I will assist you in…


  • Uncovering Your Creative Blocks & Working With Them 
  • Accessing Flow State 
  • Working with resistance, anxiety, doubt, procrastination, as well as outer limitations such as time, resources, and pressure from others
  • Accountability for Your Works of Art  

Spiritual Guidance

I know how challenging the path can be. Sometimes we enter confusing terrain and need a little guidance on our journey.  

Your spirituality is your UNIQUE connection with Source, the Sacred, Purpose.

No one can define it for you. But of course, the programs try and dictate what we should and shouldn’t believe, and what is a worthwhile purpose or not. 

Here’s what I can assist you in:

  • Navigating spiritual awakenings
  • Discovering your purpose
  • Accountability for your purpose
  • Using the power of your subconscious mind to 

connected with your spirituality enough to continue blossoming on your unique path. 


Are you going through a spiritual awakening? Or perhaps you’re not new to the spiritual path. Regardless,

Why Love Nature

Your customers just learned what services you offer. Tell them why they should work with you or your team, for example you could highlight your experience and positive client reviews.


The badges illustrate this.  We also focus on key benefits they will get while using our services, namely quick turnaround times and dedicated support. You could also use them to show awards you won for your best work.

8 Years Experience

5 Star Rating

Quick Turnaround

Dedicated Support